Sunday, April 10, 2011

A super-cali-fragilistic-expelidocious weekend.

I truly just wanted to see if I could spell it, but really don't know!  Maybe I need to google it.
We started this weekend off with the opening of Hop!   What a cute little movie. I have to say I may never eat Jelly Beans again. But otherwise, you really fall in love with EB, the Easter Bunny's son. 
When I read the weather for the weekend on the Weatherbug! I was pretty determined that flower beds were going to be cleaned out and we were not going to stay indoors until dark.  And with a small sunburn, I succeeded.  

I am so excited all the spring bulbs I planted last fall are coming up and grew like crazy this weekend.   The fall has always been so busy that I have never been able to get bulbs planted.  So I got some planted in a small spot.   Sometimes I take what I can get.

But with Life comes..........


Yes, we started or Saturday morning with a funeral. Lauren had her very bestest BFF over for a sleepover and they were just as excited to get outside as I was.   The first rolly-polly was found!!!! I never knew this black little round bug could turn into hours of play.   But we found out that rolly-polly's don't like water.   So, hence a funeral.  But never fear,about 50 morewere found and are in a jar on the front porch.  I wonder if they know this cemetary will turn into a flower pot in the next month.   

After a trip to Yanney, flower bed cleaning begins. I love it.   It is so awesome to clean all that dead stuff of winter and see all the green coming through.   Time to start making some garden plans, the green houses are coming up.   I am actually proud of myself, I am pretty ahead of schedule.  Now need to decide where and if a veggie garden is going to be planted.  Need to sweet talk my dad for a pumkin spot again at the farm.

Time for a break with some perfect weather for kite flying.   Thanks to the neighbor kids for the kite show!

After taking Lauren to ride horses.  (So proud of her, she did it all by herself, thanks to her BFF and her dad for their patience to teach her), I finished up the cleaning with 5 big garbage bags. 

Today, I realized just how old I am getting by playing volleyball.  Yes, at 40, just isn't as easy as it used to be.  But good job ducks on another season!

We ended the weekend wth a great supper with our wonderful neighbors who have become great friends!   And the introduced us to a neat thing they do to after supper.  What is your best and worst of the day.   Well there were lots of "bests", but I now know what the worst was, that weekend ended.  We are truly blessed for the abitlity to enjoy what God has given us!  

Well, thanks for reading! Have a great start to the week!

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